Aya's Beirut alternative tour

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At the top of St Nicolas stairs

Sursock museum's restuauration... (broken after Port explosion ?)

Lebanon was Ottoman for 400(0?) years till 1916

Martyr's square ...

Sculpture of 2 women : Les pleureuses - 1930

Laïla il allah

Joined hands with precussion, vailed and not...

The Otoman territory was shared between English ad French

Sursock is one of the oldest families, coming from Constantinople (Orthodoxe)

The old Beitut was surrouded by walls with five gates.

Sursocks were water traders...

Ashrafal > overlook

Palais of Lady Cochrane - 1860 with initails : M.S (or interleaved letters logo)

Escaliers en coeur

Marble (not a lot of metal at the time)

Chats dans le jardin...

Porte surplombée de portes en alcove

Continuant à droite :

Turkish Hammam is the actuall house of the family

The Palais is rented 300 dollars per day per person for marriages...


There was a ship docking here,

coming from Georgia, going to Mozambique,

and detenting Amonium Nitrate...

kept here for one year (with crew members)

Thee plan was to remove away the Nitrate, said government.

They couldn't get the paper done, they said...

They sent a team to fix the firework without saying the danger...

12km damage...

1200(0?) people died...

1250(0?) KG ...

The investigation is led by government, which is accused of causing this...

The choc of the glass exploding : lots of glass...

The government didn't do anything to fix...

Fix the 1500 shops with the help of french institution.

The investigation is still ongoing...

Escalier descendant au travers de murs, vers d'autres jardins, d'autres allées